Suggsverse Wiki

In the Suggsverse, ♠The Ace of Spades♠ is the Supreme Creator; both fully transcendent within and outside of the series. ♠The Ace of Spades♠ is the Suggsverse franchise in its entirety and beyond. He is the narrator, author, and series.


The Voyagers are the echelon that are above ♠The Ace of Spades♠. Zephyranth is the Violet Queen that is above ♠The Ace of Spades♠, being the one being that towered over the highest point. Along with her daughters, they merely observe the workings of all stories. The Voyagers exist outside of the Floors, Fortresses, Lion's Dens, and Ace to Machina of the Suggsverse (It has been noted that at one point or another, each of them has erased The Suggsverse franchise, superseding ♠The Ace of Spades♠ and created it anew).

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