Suggsverse Wiki
“It’s a shame that such a beautiful light has to fade Asceticism

“It’s a shame that such a beautiful light has to fade.”
Photo Novel The Neverending Poem
Physiology Unknown
Height Ultimately Inapplicable
Weight Ultimately Inapplicable
Eye Color Transcendent Pink
Hair Color Pink with Blue highlights
Age Ultimately Inapplicable
Birth Date Ultimately Inapplicable
Birth Place Unknown
Status Meta-unquantifiable
Gender Female
Family None
Love Interests None
Affiliation Asceticism
Tier Unknown

Remy appears on the 5th Floor on the Heir to the Stars Cosmic Hierarchy in the story The Neverending Poem.


To be written...

Powers and Abilities

Remy is a resident of the 5th Floor of HttS Cosmic Hierarchy. This automatically gives her a level of power far beyond anything of the lower Floors.

⦓[♠]⦔Absolute Existence: Elle Brave ⦓[♠]⦔self-created herself. - Remy has complete and total dominion over all attributes and modes of herself, being beyond that of an ever-transcending power forever transcending the categories of herself.

Realm Reborn Red
